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Patrícia Abreu/ Spring Issue

Patrícia Abreu is a Visual Artist who mixes multiple techniques in the realization of her works. With a background in Graphic Design, Photography and professional experience in Art Direction for Dramaturgy, she moves fluently through different languages in her search for original expression. Themes concerning the natural world are constantly present in her work. She is currently focused on Macro Photography of natural environments which are then digitally altered to achieve her artistic purposes. From her unique approach, she transforms her Botanical Macro Photographies into pieces of original imagery.

“During the COVID-19 Quarantine, I started shooting macros of a variety of succulents I have at home, but the “Mother of Thousands” really spoke to me. There is a sense of nostalgia because it reminds me of my daughter, who was away from home, living in Berlin to study music. At a time when everything seemed a little out of control, there was a sense of hope as I saw strength in those tender images that embody motherhood and letting go, themes that were changing my world at that moment.”


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