Katy Evans is a Liverpool based artist, currently in her third year of Fine Art study at Liverpool Hope University. The medium that she currently focuses on is acrylic painting. She achieved a grade B in art at Hugh Baird College, (South Sefton Campus) and a grade 8 in art and grade 9 in photography at GCSE level in Litherland High School.
''My practice is inspired by Surrealism and dominant themes within my practice is the grotesque and distortion of the human face. Artistically, my intentions are to produce disturbing imagery to evoke shock from the viewer, but also curiosity and a sense of understanding. The ability to feel a personal connection to grotesque pieces of work is incredibly important to me. I want the audience to find the beauty in artwork that would usually be seen as disturbing. This is because my work is very personal, as I use painting as a catharsis by drawing on experiences over the past few months of my life. I find inspiration from my dreams and mental illness. Two days prior to producing my first piece in this body of work, I began antidepressants- which set the tone for the evolution of my paintings. My work acts as a kind of diary, following me through hospital admissions, my rapid spiral into anorexia and episodes of binge drinking. The way in which I work is very intuitive, I do not sketch my paintings out beforehand and allow the piece to evolve organically. This allows me to reflect on how I am feeling in the moment and produce work that feels authentic to me. The piece often changes a number of times throughout the painting process. I use mistakes to my advantage and allow them to shape the piece, working with them rather than against them. As a result of this, often I do not know what the work will look like until it is finished.''