The topography of the Scottish Highlands and its barren landscapes, characterized by rough mountains, lush valleys and deep lochs, served Rubica von Streng as an inspiration for a six-part
series of works on paper, created in 2022.
Following in the footsteps of her ancestors, who lived in Scotland some 700 years ago and originally came from Viking lands, the artist visited the region and explored the nature in the north of the country. Its shapes and colors are somewhat reminiscent of Martian landscapes, which are reflected in the works as abstract fragments, reduced to their contours and shapes. As material for the series, von Streng used handmade, multiple primed Khadi paper and oil paint applied in ultrathin layers. The complete series will be shown in the exhibition “Mu – Wege zur Schlichtheit” at Museum Schloss Mitsuko, May 11 – June 13, 2024.