Jo Paul creates three dimensional works and installations. Often using delicate fabrics or threads as a metaphor for fragility and vulnerability, her work examines and attempts to voice the wider context of grief in a society that maintains a narrow view of its definition and a low tolerance for its expression. Where grief traditionally encompasses loss, change and endings, Jo’s work also explores the disenfranchised grief of things in life that never happened, the pain of oppression or difference, and disconnection with society or the self.

Jo completed an MA in Scenography [distinction] at Trinity Laban Conservatoire, London. Her work as an artist combines with her work in the arts sector, designing for theatre and dance, participatory arts facilitation and coaching for arts and theatre organisations across the UK. Companies she has collaborated with include Candoco, Diverse City/Cirque Bijou, Emergency Exit Arts, Extant, Graeae, Heart FM/ Plusnet, Spare Tyre, Mat Fraser and Opera by Definition to name a few. Jo currently lives in London, continuing to work across the arts as a designer, coach and facilitator, with her visual arts practice at the centre of her life.