Kat Rose, a 3rd year Illustration student at Leeds Arts University. They come from Skipton and currently live in Leeds. They're an illustrator working with themes of nature, the environment and activism, with a particular focus on plants, animals and fungi. Their work is textile and print based, striving to use eco friendly and vegan materials wherever possible.

This work is a project exploring environmental activism through fungi and mycellial networks, discussing the importance of these connections for the future of our ecosystems in world affected by climate change. Mushrooms are vital in our natural cycles, relating to life and death, and there are many incredible innovations that have started to come about, relating to health and packaging; exciting eco-friendly ideas for the future. When talking about climate change, mushrooms are aiding the absorption of carbon and reducing the impact of global warming. In this project, I researched historical protest banners such as Thalia Campbell's work at the Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp in 1983 and applied these skills to my appliqué and quilted banners. These were made using a variety of mediums including linoprint, monoprint and screenprint on fabric as well as appliqué.