Chan, originally hailing from Hong Kong, currently resides in Leeds, United Kingdom, where she has established herself as a dynamic and innovative creative practitioner. She is presently pursuing her Bachelor of Arts in Art and Design at the University of Leeds.
Within the realm of her studio practice, Chan skillfully employs a diverse range of methodologies, materials, and processes to create a multifaceted body of work. Her artistic repertoire encompasses a fusion of art, photography, and graphic design, reflecting her versatility and proficiency across various visual mediums.
Notably, Chan has recently dedicated her focus to the exploration of interactive installations, a facet of her practice that holds particular resonance. She finds great satisfaction in engendering active engagement from her audiences, thereby affording them a participatory role within her creative endeavors.
In summary, Chan's artistic journey is a testament to her multicultural background and her commitment to advancing her craft through higher education. Her evolving practice, characterized by its breadth and inclusion of interactive elements, underscores her dedication to pushing the boundaries of contemporary art and design.