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Glen Gashi/ #loveofmylife

Glen Gashi is a self-taught artist living in Camden, London. He has been drawing all his life but made an effort of drawing everyday throughout his university career. Drawing on train and bus rides Glen would often try to put emotions on paper in an attempt to understand them and himself better. He was also doing a genetics degree so inspired by the sciences he would often practice proportions and human features.

Glen tends to be inspired by the surrealist movement but also like the emotions conveyed in works by artists such as Kathe Kollwitz, Edward Hopper and Frank Albach. Working with pencils as main medium he is now working to spread his repertoire to include mediums such as charcoal, oil paints and oil pastels. Glen attempts to tell stories of his personal life and experiences through his works in order to elicit the same emotions he has experienced in the viewer. The main topics he tends to tread are feelings of love, whether that be new or lost, isolation in unfamiliar places and his Albanian heritage.


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